Monthly and long-term car rentals, done better

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Roam is rated 4.9/5 stars and trusted by thousands of individuals, families, and businesses
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Flexible monthly plans, cancel anytime

Minimum 30-day commitment, then drive month to month for as long as you like and cancel anytime with no penalty.

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Vehicles you actually want to drive

Drive the latest models from top brands, equipped with the newest technology. Every vehicle is professionally maintained and cleaned so it feels new.

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Auto insurance included

Each vehicle comes with all-perils auto insurance including $2,000,000 in third-party liability, plus collision and comprehensive coverage for theft and vandalism.

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Routine maintenance and roadside assistance included

We take care of the oil changes and other routine maintenance. It's all included.

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Made for sharing

Add family and friends to your plan so they can drive too.

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Sustainability built in

We compensate for your vehicle emissions so your driving is lighter on the planet.

Disclaimer: Roam is not affiliated with or endorsed by any automaker in any way. All product names, trademarks, and trade names are the property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: Roam is not affiliated with or endorsed by any automaker in any way. All product names, trademarks, and trade names are the property of their respective owners.

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